Begin using a different web browser now. Options include Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.
On June 15, Microsoft will stop supporting Internet Explorer (IE). Michigan Medicine will remove all IE application icons from CoreImage Windows computers.
IE users will need to move to a different web browser, such as Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome. If you try to launch a shortcut or file associations using IE, you will be redirected to open the same website/file in Microsoft Edge.
Microsoft Edge
Microsoft Edge is a faster, more secure web browser. Most modern websites and services no longer rely on IE and should be fully compatible with Microsoft Edge.
Additional benefits of Microsoft Edge include:
Enhanced security settings
Faster web page rendering
More protection against phishing and malware
Ability to reference bookmarks from any computer
Site/Application Compatibility
If you find an application or website that does not work in Microsoft Edge, please submit a ticket to the HITS Service Desk. When made aware of sites or services requiring the use of Internet Explorer, HITS can deploy a configuration to ensure these sites work in Edge’s IE Mode.