Issues affecting numerous services, including DUO, VPN, EPCS, VPlaces and others


A Major incident has been declared affecting Duo Multifactor Authentication that is impacting multiple services.


Current Status: 

  • A Major incident has been declared affecting Duo Multifactor Authentication.
  • Duo services are intermittently unavailable do an issue with a cloud hosting vendor.
  • This is impacting a variety of services in different ways.

Impacts include:

  • Users unable to perform Electronic Prescription of Controlled Substances (EPCS)
  • Duo requirements for Michigan Medicine VPN and VPlaces have been temporarily suspended. Users are able to now log into these services while Duo is down. 
  • Login may be unavailable to web applications that rely on Duo Multifactor Authentication.
  • HITS is working to resolve these issues.

If you need assistance with an URGENT issue, call the Service Desk at (734) 936-8000.