Update: Cornerstone Talent Management Platform Work Continues: MLearning Retirement/Replacement Coming in fall 2022


Work continues to design and deliver a new online Talent Management platform to serve all of Michigan Medicine. As announced in late February, the project team’s first priority is replacing (and upgrading) the technology Michigan Medicine currently uses to support training activities. MLearning will be retired and replaced by Cornerstone Learning in fall 2022.

Cornerstone Learning promises many improvements over MLearning, including: 

  • A more modern, user-friendly interface that makes it easier for individuals to search for relevant learning content and to see and manage their progress toward goals; and for managers to assign and track learning among members of their teams. 
  • Greater reliability and flexibility – the cloud-based system can regularly receive updates and enhancements. Content will also be available from anywhere, anytime, using virtually any browser on any device. 
  • Integrates additional types of learning resources (including LinkedIn Learning) into a single, convenient hub – making it easier for managers and staff to develop customized learning plans, and providing everyone with easier access to a wider variety of professional and personal growth opportunities. 

To help the Michigan Medicine community become familiar with Cornerstone, and to help everyone prepare for the upcoming transition to Cornerstone Learning, the project team has created a website (michmed.org/cornerstone) that provides project details, along with information about key features and benefits, including this “Quick Look” preview video

Please stay tuned for additional updates – including details about an upcoming, brief MLearning “blackout” that will be needed to facilitate the transition to Cornerstone Learning – by visiting (and bookmarking!) michmed.org/cornerstone