M365 external participant "sharing links" expiry default increasing from 30 to 90 days


Last summer, HITS introduced the ability for M365 users to share links to documents and folders in OneDrive and SharePoint with non-Michigan Medicine partners. At that time, the default expiration window for those links was set to 30 days. Based on customer feedback, we’re increasing the default expiration time to 90 days. As before, those who share links can continue to extend the deadline manually, if desired.

Full details:
OneDrive and SharePoint (M365) – Collaborating with People Outside Michigan Medicine

About M365: 

Combining the best of desktop, web, and mobile applications, M365 enables members of the Michigan Medicine community to work and collaborate in real-time from nearly anywhere, on virtually any device. With M365, you can save time, communicate efficiently with teammates, and improve your personal productivity – using many familiar tools, including: 

Additional details (including training opportunities and self-help resources) can be found on the M365 Home page.