
Connect and stay organized with email, calendaring, and contacts. Coordinate distributed teams through meetings, chat, shared content, and calling.

Microsoft Teams brings together people, conversation, and content, enabling more efficient productivity and collaboration – especially in a flexible first work environment. 

Michigan Medicine uses Microsoft Outlook for email, calendar, contact lists, and task management. HITS-managed devices such as CoreImage Windows devices come with Outlook already installed.

Find support for audiovisual technology/AV and reserve rooms across Michigan Medicine.

HITS supports a wide variety of phones and phone-related solutions to help keep you connected – including telephones, voicemail, Jabber (softphone), analog and fax lines, Unified Clinical Communications (UCC), and more!

Zoom at U-M is a secure, HIPAA-aligned video conferencing platform for the U-M community.

A webinar platform for large events and virtual meetings for more than 300 people. To host an event, request a webinar license