The Research Computing Package (RCP) received some updates for fiscal year 2021 - making it easier than ever to get started with high-performance computing.
The RCP, offered by Health Information and Technology Services (HITS), provides Michigan Medicine researchers with computing and storage credits at ARC-TS at no cost.
“We received some great customer feedback about ways to improve the RCP,” said Jim Kenyon, Lead for Academic Computing / HPC Support. We’re excited to be able to offer auto-renewal options in addition to more storage and compute time, beginning in June.”
Here’s a summary of the new RCP offering:
- RCP now renews automatically every year on July 1. Only let us know if you need to make changes to your computing credits allocation, no need to confirm your credits yearly.
- More computing time: 60 core months of standard memory computing, increased from 5 core months in 2019.
- More computable storage: 10 TB of replicated, high-performance storage, increased from 6 TB in 2019.
- 100TB of archive storage: replicated tape-based storage in Data Den (currently for non-HIPAA data only).
The RCP is perfect for researchers starting a new project with high-performance computing and data storage needs. It can also be used as a bridge between grant funding, or for small, unfunded projects.
“We believe the RCP can benefit many types of research projects,” Kenyon said. “Recently ARC-TS worked with a genomics research team to move a variant detection workflow onto the cluster. We’re here to support the research community in making the transition to utilizing U-M’s powerful advanced computing system.”
For questions about RCP, email, or request the Research Computing Package and learn more on the HITS website.