2020: News Archive

Pager-related support changes begin Wednesday, March 18, 2020


Due to the COVID-19 event, all three HITS “Help Me Now” (HMN) locations are closed until further notice. Pager assistance remains available, but the process is changing beginning Wednesday, March 18.


ALERT: IA Alert: Update Windows 10 and Server 2019 for vulnerability


The information below was sent to U-M IT groups on March 13, 2020. It is intended for U-M IT staff who are responsible for university devices or servers running Windows 10, versions 1903 or 1909, or Server Core installations of Windows Server, versions 1903 or 1909. It is also intended for individuals who use Windows 10 on their own computers.

NOTICE: Watch out for Coronavirus scams


Scammers are taking advantage of the fear and uncertainty surrounding the Covid-19 coronavirus.

Adobe Creative Cloud Maintenance Outage THIS EVENING (Friday, March 6, 6:30-9:30 p.m.)


This evening (Friday, March 6, from approximately 6:30-9:30 p.m.), Adobe will conduct server maintenance that will impact all Michigan Medicine faculty and staff who are using Adobe Acrobat Pro and/or other Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) applications.

IA Alert: Update Apache Tomcat for Ghostcat Vulnerability


This message is intended for U-M IT staff who are responsible for university servers with Apache Tomcat installed. This includes servers running Red Hat Linux and other Linux distributions that include Apache Tomcat.

ALERT: Update Chrome to fix three security flaws


The information below was sent via email to U-M IT staff groups on February 25, 2020. It is intended for U-M IT staff who are responsible for university devices running the Google Chrome web browser. It will also be of interest to individuals who have Chrome installed on their own devices.
